Voicemail on iPhone is rather a popular feature to many iPhone users. It allows users to exchange personal voice messages with each other. This feature lets users know who is calling them even without having to see the number first. This just proves that this feature is quite helpful and ...
How To Split Screen On iPhone? (The Complete User Guide)
The iPhones bigger screen provides such a convenient viewing. It would be better if we can split our iPhone screens and multitask to save time, right? In comparison to the iPads, the iPhones definitely has smaller screen. That's why the iPads have a Split View just out of the box. But when you ...
How To Hard Reset iPhone XS And XS Max? (A Complete Guide)
How to hard reset iPhone XS and XS Max is always a hot topic to many websites. Once and for all, we will enlighten your way towards understanding this topic. Many users are so familiar with getting their way around the iPhone XS and XS Max. Considering that these devices are fairly new, users ...
iPhone Notifications Is Not Working? Here Is How To Fix It!
One of the most useful features of the iPhone is its Notification Center. It is where you can find all the notifications from your iPhone apps and features. Do you always miss a notification on your iPhone? Well, there is only one way for you to find. All you have to do is to access your ...
How To Block Unknown Numbers On iPhone? (The Full Guide)
Receiving calls from unknown numbers can be very irritating. Learn how to stop it by knowing how to block unknown numbers on iPhone! Other times, those calls are intentionally anonymous to get you to call them back. And what's worse, is that these calls are just prank calls. There are also ...